Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sometimes the world is made of ice...

And sometimes when the world is made of ice, I shouldn't walk.

Sometimes, when the world is made of ice and I shouldn't walk, I have to walk.

Sometimes, when the world is made of ice and I shouldn't walk, but I have to walk, I fall under the parked car next to mine.
That doesn't even do my arm justice.

I won't post the other half of the damage, though I'm sure it'll be a doozy when it finally starts to heal.



  1. Today was bad wasn't it? Sorry about your arm! Ouch!

  2. Boo! Ice! So there was an ice storm out here on Friday and the entire region shut down. Schools were closed, universities closed, people really did go to the grocery store days in advance to stock up. I saw how bad it got out in Utah though, and I can't believe they didn't close down!
